Our ninth Summer Workshop is now open for your registrations! Participants will receive personalized feedback on a story or essay of up to 7,000 words, with detailed suggestions for improvement, and resources for submitting—all from an experienced editor. Our asynchronous workshop allows writers to work with editors remotely and is an excellent way to improve your craft and prepare a manuscript for submission. Enrollment is open until August 31, 2023.
Cost: $299
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Writers are invited to submit manuscripts of fiction or creative nonfiction of up to 7,000 words. In their cover letters, writers should include a brief introduction to their story, where the piece has been submitted previously (if applicable), any specific feedback they’re looking for on the manuscript, as well as any specific challenges they’re facing in revision. Writers may indicate their three preferred guest editors, and we will do our best to accommodate. Earlier registrations are more likely to match with one of their preferred editors.
Upon registration, writers will receive a packet of craft essays from The Masters Review on editing, revision, and submitting for publication. Writers will receive feedback no later than October 30, 2023.
Participants receive:
- an editorial letter from their editor with specific suggestions and developmental analysis;
- marginal notes that will help elevate their story to the next level;
- suggestions on literary magazines and contests that would be a good fit for their work;
- a PDF of materials including craft essays from The Masters Review, deep dives on archival pieces, information on submission strategies, and additional advice on submitting;
- a free submission to one of our upcoming contests;
- and an archived copy of The Masters Review anthology.
- Submissions must be under 7,000 words.
- All submissions must be double-spaced with one-inch page margins, clearly paginated, and use Times New Roman or Garamond 12.
- All genres and styles of fiction or creative nonfiction are welcome. Please do not submit poetry manuscripts.
- Novel excerpts are accepted but not recommended, as our guest editors are selected for their expertise on short forms.
- Please submit a single manuscript per submission.
- Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
- If you submit your manuscript after reserving your spot, you will need to request to open your submission by emailing us at contact [at] mastersreview [dot] com. We’ll grant you access, and then you can upload your piece.
- All participants will receive feedback no later than October 30, 2023.
Guest Editors:

Joanna Luloff is the author of the novel Remind Me Again What Happened and the short story collection The Beach at Galle Road, both published by Algonquin Books. Her individual stories and essays have appeared in The Missouri Review, The Massachusetts Review, The Cincinnati Review, The Bennington Review, Western Humanities Review, and elsewhere. She received her MFA from Emerson College and her PhD from the University of Missouri. She is an Associate Professor of English at the University of Colorado Denver where she also edits prose for Copper Nickel.