2024 Best Emerging Writers Shortlist—Winners Selected by Gina Chung

September 12, 2024

The Masters Review is proud to announce the thirty stories and essays that have been shortlisted for our thirteenth anthology, Best Emerging Writers. Ten winners from this shortlist will be selected by Gina Chung for inclusion. Our winners will receive a $700 prize, along with publication both in print and, for the first time, online. Congratulations to the thirty writers whose impressive work is honored here, and thank you so much to every single one of our submitters. Winners will be announced in October!

Postictal State
by Margaret Adams

Trace Evidence by Darcy Alvey

Medeyork: Memorias de mis Rimas Tristes by Diego Alejandro Arias

Disfigured by Emilie Pascale Beck

Winter’s Barter by Hillary Behrman

Gnats by Mark Bryk

Putting Down the Old Story by Éanlaí P. Cronin

My Own True Name by Vicky Grut

Fermentation by Jacqueline Gu

The Sanchez Sisters and their Quest for Tom, Dick, and Harry by Marilyn Holguin

SeaWorld by Aurora Huiza

Skydiving by Nic Job

Driftwood by Elizabeth Kleinfeld

Excavation by Anita Koester

(Other Mother.) by River Lucero

Intrusive. by Caitlyn McCain

A Mother’s Face is an Atlas That Leads You Home by Howard Meh-Buh

Mace by Keya Mitra

Faoileag by Valerie O’Riordan

In Praise of the Collective Noun by Beth Richards

Never Flourish, Never Die by Taylor Roseweeds

Fruit of My Body by Julia Schneider

May Wentworth by Kerrin Piché Serna

Almost Nineteen by Martha Stallman

Blades of a Feather by Laura Price Steele

Quake by William Thompson

The Wound by Josephine Wu

The Real Boys of Summer by Jillian Weiss

Lizard Skin and the Salvation of a Godly Wife by CM West

Shadow Objects by Sol Xuan Wooten


At The Masters Review, our mission is to support emerging writers. We only accept submissions from writers who can benefit from a larger platform: typically, writers without published novels or story collections or with low circulation. We publish fiction and nonfiction online year-round and put out an annual anthology of the ten best emerging writers in the country, judged by an expert in the field. We publish craft essays, interviews and book reviews and hold workshops that connect emerging and established writers.

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