After much deliberation, our team of editors has narrowed down an impressive pool of submissions to these final stories, which are now in the hands of Anita Felicelli, who has the daunting task of selecting the winner of our 2019 Fall Fiction Contest. Thank you to all of our incredible submitters for trusting us with your work. The winners from this final pool of stories will be announced in one month!
Salt Sea, Zeeva Bukai
It Could Happen To You, Trent England
The Shadow of Your Hand, The Shadow of Your Dog, Lillian Fishman
Reliable Witness, Clemintine Guirado
Shadow Dance, Will Hunter
Crabs, Justin Keenan
Northern Lights, Christina Leo
Genealogy, Nancy London
Whiplash Curve, Beth Sutherland
Shenzhen, Willa Zhang
Adverse Possession, Rachel Zenger