Feeling Rejected?

January 28, 2014

short-story copyThe old adage goes misery loves company, and you know, we don’t disagree. Sometimes it’s nice to know you aren’t alone in the rejection-sphere, and besides, looking into the value of your rejections can often improve the quality of your new work.

Enter, RejectionWiki. Hokey names aside, this web page has a hearty catalog of literary magazines and journals with copies of their rejection notices. Many of them are organized by tier so you can cross reference your rejection from say, PANK, and find out if you received the standard rejection or a higher tiered personalized response.

Lets take a look at Tor.com:

RejectionWiki shows us that Tor’s Standard Rejection looks a little something like this:

Dear –,

Thanks so much for submitting to Tor.com, and for your patience while
we evaluated your story. Unfortunately, I’m afraid that “–” isn’t quite right for
us. I wish you the best of luck placing it elsewhere.

Please send us more of your stories in the future.


Tor.com Submissions Staff

Whereas their higher tiered rejection is a little more encouraging:

Dear –,Thanks so much for submitting to Tor.com, and for your patience while we evaluated your story. Unfortunately, I’m afraid that “–” isn’t quite right for us.

It’s always hard to reject a good story, and this is compelling and bizarre in the best ways. (omitted personal comments)

Please send us more of your stories in the future. Your writing is lovely, and you clearly know how to snag our imagination and run with it.


Tor.com Submissions Staff

Want to see more? RejectionWiki! You aren’t alone. In fact, you might be closer than you think.


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