Flash Fiction Prep Course

April 17, 2018

The history of flash fiction stretches back to Aesop’s fables, continues through The New Yorker’s contest held this previous summer, and does not cease to change in new and exciting ways today. We’re stoked to be hosting a Flash Fiction Contest of our own, open now, with a prize of $3K for the snappiest little story under 1000 words. If you’re nervous about jumping into this long standing institution, here are six different resources to help you prepare for success. We believe in you!

Brave on the Page: Oregon Writers on Craft and the Creative Life – Edited by Laura Stanfill

This book tackles a lot more than just flash fiction, but it is incredibly useful as a collection of wisdom from 42 amazing Oregon writers. There are flash essays, interviews, and advice of all kinds for the aspiring author!

FLASH: Writing the Very Short Story – John Dufresne

John Dufresne is an accomplished American author (he won a Guggenheim Fellowship!) who demystifies the process of writing flash fiction in this brand new book. He also has a TED talk on how to write a story that is interesting, engaging, and definitely worth watching!

Stories in Your Pocket: How to Write Flash Fiction – David Gaffney

Flash fiction is becoming more and more popular, and steadily moving into the public consciousness. Here’s an article in a major newspaper on the subject!

Adventures in Twitter fiction – Andrew Fitzgerald

Andrew Fitzgerald covers this more specific subset of flash fiction in his TED talk, and he gives great advice. If you have twelve minutes to spare (and we know you do!), you should check it out!

The Rose Metal Press Guide to Writing Flash Fiction – Edited by Tara L. Masih

Highly recommended by many successful authors, such as Len Kuntz and David Galef, this book uses essays and writing prompts to help enterprising writers improve. Rose Metal Press also published books covering other genres, and they are all first-rate!

The Masters Review Blog

It’s tricky to pin down the exact nature of flash fiction, but we’ve certainly given it the old college try. We’ve tackled the subject numerous times on our blog, and we’ve helpfully consolidated them here for you! Check out the following:

Flash Fiction Techniques Part 1

Flash Fiction Techniques Part 2

Literary Terms: Flash Fiction

Notes From the Slush – Flash Fiction

by Kimberly Guerin


At The Masters Review, our mission is to support emerging writers. We only accept submissions from writers who can benefit from a larger platform: typically, writers without published novels or story collections or with low circulation. We publish fiction and nonfiction online year-round and put out an annual anthology of the ten best emerging writers in the country, judged by an expert in the field. We publish craft essays, interviews and book reviews and hold workshops that connect emerging and established writers.

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