Invest in Your Writing: The Masters Review Online Workshop

April 23, 2015

Each season we host a new instructor available to offer manuscript critique and edits. It’s a wonderful way to receive feedback on your novel-in-progress or short story. The program allows participants to work with an instructor remotely and strives to give writers a workshop experience that can easily fit into their lives. Registration for the our spring workshop is now open, and enrollment is limited, so mark your calendars! Anne Valente is only available through the end of May so Register now! More information here.

workshop spring term

“I just want to thank you again for the generous feedback you gave me during The Masters Review Summer Workshop… I know it takes a lot of time to read a manuscript with such care and attention, and I really appreciate your investment in my work.” –Kate, Summer Workshop Writer, 2014

Anne Valente is the author of the short story collection, By Light We Knew Our Names, which won the Dzanc Books Short Story Prize and released in September 2014. She is also the author of the fiction chapbook, An Elegy for Mathematics. Her fiction appears in One Story, Ninth Letter, The Normal School and Hayden’s Ferry Review, among others, and her essays appear in The Believer and The Washington Post. Her work won the 2012 Copper Nickel Fiction Prize and was listed as notable in Best American Nonrequired Reading 2011.

photo(2)-1Anne’s Workshop Statement: As a writer and an instructor, I firmly believe in curiosity, experimentation and failure. By failure, I don’t mean a lack of trying or poorly formed stories. I mean the freedom to try a story idea—or point of view or plot or structure—that may ultimately fail its first execution but allows the writer to experiment with craft, and provides the writer ample room for the process of editing and revision. For me, writing is trying new things and pushing my own boundaries, even if I don’t get it quite right on the first try. Revision is half the fun of writing, in going back and ripping up scenes and moving things around and playing with the sound of language. As a writer and an instructor, I believe that writing is a process, and one full of possibilities.

For more details about The Masters Review Online Workshop, visit this page.


At The Masters Review, our mission is to support emerging writers. We only accept submissions from writers who can benefit from a larger platform: typically, writers without published novels or story collections or with low circulation. We publish fiction and nonfiction online year-round and put out an annual anthology of the ten best emerging writers in the country, judged by an expert in the field. We publish craft essays, interviews and book reviews and hold workshops that connect emerging and established writers.

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