Litmag Roadmap: New York City

August 20, 2022

We’re headed to the city that never sleeps, home to Broadway, the Bronx, and a ton of great literary magazines! Strap in and join us on this tour.

New York City, home to some of the greatest literary publishers, with a thriving literary scene, is the next stop on our Litmag Roadmap series. The literary scene in NYC is so diverse that it prides itself on never leaving a voice unheard, but that also comes with competition in publishing. Writers from NYC are always striving to get their voice heard, so let’s look at some literary magazines that will help you with just that:

American Chordata

American Chordata is a Brooklyn-based literary and art magazine. The magazine is published both online and in print. The work published in the magazine is nothing short of extraordinary, and most of it is available to read online. The layout of the magazine is especially pleasing, with photographs and art printed alongside the literature. They accept literary submissions from January 15th to March 15th.

No Contact

No Contact is an online magazine that publishes short-form prose, poetry, and hybrid work. It was formed by Columbia University’s MFA writers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Work published in the magazine has been recognized by Wigleaf Top 50, Best Small Fictions, and Best Microfiction. The magazine is known for the great flash prose that it has continued to publish since 2020. The magazine is currently closed to submissions, but keep an eye out for future reading periods.

Apogee Journal

Apogee Journal was formed in 2011 by a group of writers of color and international students from Columbia’s graduate writing program. Apogee publishes literary work that “encourages the thoughtful exploration of identity and its intersections.” The Journal claims their purpose is threefold, “(1) to publish fresh work that interrogates the aesthetic and political status quo, (2) to provide a platform for underrepresented voices, prioritizing artists and writers of color (3) to model more radical conversations and practices regarding equity and publishing.” Submissions to the journal are currently closed.


NOON Annual is known well for the exceptional literary work that is published on its pages, founded in 2000 by Author Diane Williams, it has continued to produce great work through the years. NOON has published award-winning authors before and continues to support great literature. NOON only accepts submissions by snail mail, and the submission window is open year-around.

The Paris Review

The Paris Review was found in 1953 by Harold L. Humes, Peter Matthiessen, and George Plimpton, and is well-known for publishing some of the best literature in the country. The Paris Review is a quarterly magazine, and has published work by award-winning and critically acclaimed writers through its years in print. Submissions are accepted in the months of March and September, but are currently closed owing to the large amount of submissions the magazine received in its previous reading periods.

Bellevue Literary Review

Bellevue Literary Review is an independent literary journal “that probes the nuances of our lives both in illness and health.” Formed in 2001, the journal publishes award-winning prose and poetry biannually. The journal’s submission window is currently closed, but will open again in September 2022.


N+1 is a magazine of literature, culture, and politics and it is published three times a year. N+1 was formed in New York by six writers and editors who wanted to revive the American tradition of politically engaged literary magazines. The magazine publishes some of the greatest literature, and continues to engage with the literary scene in New York. They accept submissions through email year-around.

A Public Space

A Public Space, formed in 2006, creates a wonderful space for the exchange of exceptional literature. The magazine is published thrice a year, and is based in Brooklyn, New York. The work published in the magazine are often awarded prestigious honors, and the magazine is an award-winning journal of literature and art. The submission period for 2022 is September 15th to October 31st.

Washington Square Review

Washington Square Review is an award-winning journal that is published biannually by the students and faculty of the NYU Graduate Creative Writing Program. The magazine publishes fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, translations, and interviews. The submissions are now closed, and will remain closed until December 2022.

One Story

One Story was founded in 2001 by Hannah Tinti and Maribeth Batcha, with the idea of mailing each short story to the subscribers “like a letter from a friend.” One Story publishes twelve issues a year, each containing a single short story, published as its own book. The magazine has an innovative approach with its publication, and publishes one great short story at a time. Their submission period is from January 15th to May 31st every year.

by Mrudhula M


At The Masters Review, our mission is to support emerging writers. We only accept submissions from writers who can benefit from a larger platform: typically, writers without published novels or story collections or with low circulation. We publish fiction and nonfiction online year-round and put out an annual anthology of the ten best emerging writers in the country, judged by an expert in the field. We publish craft essays, interviews and book reviews and hold workshops that connect emerging and established writers.

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