There’s only one week remaining in our Fall Fiction Contest! Get those manuscripts together and submit before it’s too late! Finalists this year are selected by Anita Felicelli, author of Chimerica and Love Songs for a Lost Continent. Three finalists are published, winning $2,000, $300, and $200 respectively. Full details below!
Click the button below to submit to our Fall Fiction Contest!

Add the deadline to your calendar!
Anita Felicelli is judging the 2019 Fall Fiction Contest! The winning story receives $2000 + publication, and a note from our judge on why the story was chosen. Second and third place stories earn $300 and $200, respectively, publication, and correspondence from our judge.
Anita Felicelli is the author of the novel CHIMERICA and the short story collection LOVE SONGS FOR A LOST CONTINENT, which won the 2016 Mary Roberts Rinehart Award. Her essays, reviews, and criticism have appeared in the SF Chronicle, the Los Angeles Review of Books, New York Times (Modern Love), Slate, Salon, Catapult, Electric Literature, and elsewhere. She graduated from UC Berkeley and UC Berkeley School of Law. She’s a member of the National Book Critics Circle and a VONA alum. She’s received a Puffin Foundation grant, Greater Bay Area Journalism awards, and Pushcart nominations, and her fiction and poems have been anthologized. CHIMERICA appeared on The Millions Most Anticipated List for 2019. Born in South India, she lives in the Bay Area with her family.
Submissions are open from Oct 1 – Nov 30
6000 word limit
Fiction only
Emerging Writers only. (We are interested in offering a larger platform to new writers. Self-published writers and writers with story collections and novels with a small circulation are welcome to submit. Writers with novels published with a circulation of fewer than 5000 copies can also submit.)
$20 submission fee
International submissions allowed
Previously unpublished work only
Translations allowed, providing the story has not been published in another language
Multiple and simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please notify us if your story is accepted elsewhere
Winner receives $2000 and publication
2nd and 3rd place stories receive $300 and $200 respectively, in addition to publication
Please no identifying information on your story
All stories are considered for publication
Dazzle us
To view a list of our most commonly asked questions regarding submitting to The Masters Review, please see our FAQ page
Click the button below to submit to our Fall Fiction Contest!