Submit! Twelve Publications With Deadlines This Month

March 10, 2015

Spring is here, and with it the number of literary magazines and publications with deadlines this month is in full bloom. Check out our curated list of lit mags, fellowships, and contests, for the best places to submit your work in the month of March.

march deadlines

The Threepenny Review – This highly revered journal is now open for submissions. No reading fee means it will cost you only the postage for your manuscript. Submission details here. No Entry Fee

National Endowment For The Arts – Writers, submit your fellowship application for a chance to win funding and support for your writing through the country’s most prestigious arts organization. Eligibility and submissions requirements here. No Entry Fee; Due Date: March 11

Bellingham Review – The Bellingham Review is open for its annual contests in poetry, fiction, and narrative nonfiction. Three cash prizes of $1000 in each category are awarded. Winners and runners up will be published in the Spring 2016 print edition. Submit here! Entry Fee: $20; Due Date: March 15

Willow Springs – This spring contest is awarding $2000 to the best piece of fiction. With no word count restrictions, it is open to stories of all shapes and sizes. Winners will receive a cash prize, publication, and all entrants will earn a year’s subscription. Details here. Entry Fee: $15; Due Date: March 15

Prairie Schooner Book Prize – This University of Nebraska Press will award the winner $3000 and publication of a novella-length work or short story collection. Submit manuscripts up to 150 pages in length. Entry Fee: $25; March 15

Selected Shorts –The Stella Kupferberg Memorial Short Story Prize, judged this year by Karen Russell and in partnership with Electric Literature and Gotham Writers’ Workshop, will award a winning author $1000, a ten-week workshop through Gotham, and live performance of the piece at Symphony Space in June. Stories up to 750 words can be submitted here. Entry Fee: $25; Due Date: March 15

Gigantic Sequins – Gigantic Sequins’ winter contest is open for poetry comics and flash nonfiction, judged by Bianca Stone and Mike Doughty respectively. Winners will be awarded $75, publication, and a few other special perks (listed as TBD on the site). Learn more here. Entry Fee: $5 for poems, $15 for nonfiction; Due Date: March 15

Mslexia – This lit mag is thrilled to announce its Women’s Short Story Competition is open for entries. Suitable for writers of all levels of experience, winning the competition gets your work published in Mslexia‘s June issue (not to mention the tasty £2,000 prize). Entries must be no longer than 2,200 words, full details here. Entry Fee: £10; Due Date: March 16

Tin House Writers Workshop Scholarship – One of the country’s most prestigious literary magazines holds a summer workshop in Portland, Oregon, and scholarships to attend must be submitted by March 18. Full details on the workshop (which accepts submissions on a rolling basis) can be found here. No Entry Fee. Scholarship Deadline: March 18

Gulf Coast – This contest awards publication and $1,500 each to the best poem, essay, and short story, as well as $250 to two honorable mentions in each genre. The winners will appear in Gulf Coast 28.1, due out in Fall 2015, and all entries will be considered for paid publication. Details and submissions info, here. Entry Fee: $23; Due Date: March 22

The Masters Review – Don’t forget our own Emerging Writers contest! Guest judged by author Kevin Brockmeier, ten writers will be awarded $500 and publication in our yearly anthology. All winners are part of an exclusive mailing to editors, agents, and publishers, and are showcased as ten writers to watch. Submissions info can be found here. Entry Fee: $20; Due Date: March 31

The North American Review – The Torch Memorial Prize for Creative Nonfiction, seeks out a piece of creative nonfiction up to 30 pages for publication and will award $500 to the winner. Submit your story, here. Entry Fee: $20 and includes a year’s subscription; Due Date: April 1


At The Masters Review, our mission is to support emerging writers. We only accept submissions from writers who can benefit from a larger platform: typically, writers without published novels or story collections or with low circulation. We publish fiction and nonfiction online year-round and put out an annual anthology of the ten best emerging writers in the country, judged by an expert in the field. We publish craft essays, interviews and book reviews and hold workshops that connect emerging and established writers.

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