November Deadlines: 11 Contests and Prizes This Month

October 24, 2024

There is always a lot to be thankful for, and now these contests have added to the list! Take the opportunity to check them out, and find the perfect one for your work.

FEATURED: The Masters Review Novel Excerpt Contest

Technically we’re cheating with this one since the deadline is in October, but it’s our contest, so we’re allowed. This year’s Novel Excerpt Contest closes this Sunday, October 27, and we’re looking for the most compelling excerpt from your unpublished or in-progress novel. Tania James will select the winner from a shortlist of ten excerpts, and the winner receives a $3,000 prize, publication, and an hour-long consultation with literary agent Marin Takikawa. Submit now!

Entry fee: $20 Deadline: October 27

F(r)iction Fall Contests

There are so many options in F(r)iction’s collection of contests, there’s bound to be something for everyone! Short stories are judged by Lindz McLeod, and the winner receives $1,000. Flash fiction is judged by Catherine McNamara, and the winner will receive $300. Finally, poetry is judged by Kristine Esser Slentz, and also receives $300. All winners and some finalists will be published. Check it out!

Entry Fee: $15 Deadline: November 1

Gabriele Rico Challenge in Creative Nonfiction

Reed Magazine is currently accepting submissions for this award, but not for long! This prize recognizes outstanding works of nonfiction, up to 5,000 words, and the winner receives $1,333! Please note that entries must be creative nonfiction, such as personal essays or narratives, and not scholarly papers or book reviews. Learn more here!

Entry Fee: $20 Deadline: November 1

John Steinbeck Award for Fiction

Another great contest from Reed Magazine ends this month, so make sure you check out this one as well! Send in works of fiction under 5,000 words, with a word count and a brief bio, and you could win $1,000! All entries need to be stand-alone short stories, however, not chapters from larger works. More here!

Entry Fee: $20 Deadline: November 1

Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Contest

The University of Alabama Press is looking for fiction that is too innovative, challenging, and ambitious for traditional publishing, and they’re willing to pay you for the privilege of publishing yours! Open to any author writing in English who hasn’t been published with their imprint Fiction Collective Two, submissions may include a collection of short stories, one or more novellas, or a novel of any length. The winner, chosen by judges Steven Dunn and Katie Jean Shinkle, receives $1,500 and publication. Details here!

Entry Fee: $25 Deadline: November 1

Kurt Vonnegut Speculative Fiction Prize

If you write your fiction with a futuristic or supernatural bent, this is the contest you’ve been waiting for! North American Review is looking for an original unpublished work of speculative fiction, and the winner will receive $1,000 and publication. Make a note that although they are interested in experimental fiction, they ask that you query them if your piece requires an unusual layout! Judged by Kevin Brockmeier. More details here.

Entry Fee: $23 Deadline: November 2

Rising Writer Prize

Autumn House Press is looking for an author’s first full-length book of fiction, and who knows what they’ll find! Novels, novellas, and short story collections are eligible, but should be approximately 100-200 pages. Judge K-Ming Chang will choose the winner, who will then receive publication, $1,000, and $1,000 to promote their book. Check it out!

Entry Fee: $30 Deadline: November 15

Narrative Fall 2024 Story Contest

This contest is open to all fiction and nonfiction writers, writing anything from short stories and memoirs, to essays and literary nonfiction! The entries need to be less than 15,000 words and previously unpublished, while containing a strong narrative drive and intense insights. First prize is $2,500, second is $1,000, and third is $500. All entries are considered for publication, and all contest entries are also eligible for the $5,000 Narrative Prize! Guidelines here.

Entry Fee: $27 Deadline: November 26

Anton Chekhov Award for Flash Fiction

Are your stories brief, brisk, and bracing? LitMag has the contest for you! All submissions need to be between 500 and 1,500 words, and previously unpublished. Judged by the editors of the magazine, the winner receives $1,250, publication, and agency review. Three finalists will receive $100 and consideration for agency review, and all entries will be considered for publication. Submit here.

Entry Fee: $16 Deadline: November 30

Baltimore Review Contest

The Baltimore Review wants to be taken pleasantly by surprise, which is why there is no theme for this year’s contest! You can interpret this any way you like, but make sure to read the specific guidelines for each category. Flash fiction, flash creative nonfiction, and prose poetry are accepted, and each of the first-place prizes is $400. Judged by Francine Witte. Submission guidelines here.

Entry Fee: $8 Deadline: November 30

Fish Short Story Prize

This annual contest from Fish Publishing is a challenge—can you write a compelling and resolved story in 5,000 words or fewer? Judged by Sean Lusk, first place receives $3,892 and publication, and the other nine finalists are published as well. See more here!

Entry Fee: $29 Deadline: November 30

by Kimberly Guerin


At The Masters Review, our mission is to support emerging writers. We only accept submissions from writers who can benefit from a larger platform: typically, writers without published novels or story collections or with low circulation. We publish fiction and nonfiction online year-round and put out an annual anthology of the ten best emerging writers in the country, judged by an expert in the field. We publish craft essays, interviews and book reviews and hold workshops that connect emerging and established writers.

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