The title says it all: Submissions for the 2019-2020 Winter Summer Short Story Award for New Writers close next Friday, January 31! Kimberly King Parsons, this year’s judge, stands at the ready to select the winners for this year’s prize. Think you have a story worthy of the crown? Submit now before it’s too late!
$3000 + Publication + Agency Review
Submit today!

Add the contest deadline to your calendar!
Winner receives $3000, publication, and agency review
Second and third place prizes ($300 / $200, publication, and agency review)
Stories under 6000 words
Previously unpublished stories only
Translations allowed, providing the story has not been published in another language
Simultaneous and multiple submissions allowed
Emerging writers only (We are interested in offering a larger platform to new writers. Self-published writers and writers with story collections and novels with a small circulation are welcome to submit. Writers with novels published with a circulation of fewer than 5000 copies can also submit.)
International submissions allowed
$20 entry fee
Deadline: January 31, 2020
Please no identifying information on your story
All stories are considered for publication
If requesting an editorial letter, please indicate on your cover letter if the submissions is fiction or creative nonfiction
To view a list of our most commonly asked questions regarding submitting to The Masters Review, please see our FAQ page.